domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012


Introdução à queixa por má administração portuguesa e europeia.
Enviado pelo sistema da página do provedor de justiça europeia, hoje, dia 07 10 2012

Senhoras e Senhores do o m s bud man, também conhecidos por provedores de justiça europeia

Na ausência de resposta até esta data da queixa que vos enviei, com um pedido de SOS relativo a questões entre outras de vida e de morte de um cidadão europeu, o que por si só parece provar a todos os cidadãos europeus que a justiça europeia é algo estranha ao que se pressupõem serem os valores comuns de um projecto chamado europa, junto vos envio uma outra queixa, sendo que na verdade vos poderei enviar talvez uma dúzia por dia a atender ao estado das coisas.

Como podereis verificar no vídeo publicado no meu Livro da Vida no dia do envio pela vossa página na Internet, das primeiras queixas, o “design” da mesma, não se adequa ao propósito e fim em vista, pois a realidade dos crimes e das queixas e até da lógica, geralmente não assenta em equações dicotómicas com termos exclusivos, vulgo o que e chama nas vezes de, tipo, teste americano.

Sendo correcto o princípio jurídico que enforma o provedor de justiça, de que o seu âmbito exclusivo, se prende com queixas contra má ou danosas administrações públicas, de estados aderentes e organismos europeus, pois ao limite, todos os crimes são decorrentes de maus princípios de administração, como podereis entender desta nova queixa, na verdade são diversas as entidades que neste caso padecem do mesmo problema.

Pois se é verdade que é também um crime de má administração, os organismos oficiais com competência pelas leis de um estado membro não aceitarem queixas, inclusive de morte de muitos, também é crime de má administração da EU, deixar com conhecimento prévio destas situações, que elas possam acontecer num qualquer estado membro, signatário.

Assim sendo como podereis verificar no vosso formulário electrónico a queixa de má administração altamente danosa, será endereçada contra a EU, não deixando de ser cumulativamente contra Portugal.

Como cidadão de Portugal da Europa, exijo de imediato a EU a suspensão imediata de todos os apoios políticos e económicos, até que a justiça seja feita em toda a sua extensão e consequência, como vos poderia perguntar, se como provedores, não me poderão no entretanto dos chamado prazos administrativos, me prover por empréstimo, um porta aviões com f 16 ou equivalentes, uma centena de misseis, metralhadoras automáticas, umas granadas pessoais e quem sabe, mais uns submarinos alemãos com luvas

Paulo forte, para que sabeis e dessa forma possam andar bem informados, e assim praticar a boa administração, aquele que vos deu a massa do pão do chamado acordo de Lisboa, obtido por uns administradores europeus, em forma ilícita e criminosa, através de crime de esclavagismo no qual se inclui um filho roubado e sujeito como ele a tortura, desde 2005, sem que nenhuma autoridade a nível nacional e europeu tenha alguma vez até esta data, cumprido a lei como é expectável da boa administração. Como sabeis, ao limite, que quer dizer, na extensão máxima que a consciência nos dá a ver, também por má administração, começam todas as guerras e os cancros, primeiro dentro de nós, depois na família chegada e depois se estende a todas, basta saber um pouco de biologia celular para isto entender.

Lisboa, 07 10 2012
Complaint to EU

These are criminal accusations send to the Portuguese public general attorney, to the president of the supreme court, and to the president of the republic, by email, that as all know, during all this years did not answer any of my criminal complaints namely concerning the case of robber, abuse and torture of my son and me and continuous attempt of murder of both.

This prove behind any reasonable doubt they all act as bandit association, eventually curved to others, and by the nature of the crime, they are also charged, for active and passive participation on the crime of robber, abuse and torture on my son and me.

These constant criminal acts that are going on from 2005 also prove behind any reasonable doubt that the Portuguese state is totally pervert and this is by itself a crime against the state of law and the republic.

However as I remember to all many times, this is by the Portuguese law the right place to present criminal complaints and for this reason I will send again these criminal complaints
  1. Demand of a criminal inquiry concerning the selling of guns to the Timor leste army, as came in public space at time, that indicate the possibility of crime of guns traffic, as I have comment at time in my book of life. You can see this in this link, of the text with the title, “ah senhores que assim não pode ser”
  2. Criminal accusation for the crime of neglected homicide against the ex-prime minister of Portugal and lider of the at time of the socialist party, Antonio Gutierres that result in some dead’s in an old house on the other side of the Tejo river. You can see me recent statements on video published at where this crime without any justice until now, is again comment
  3. Criminal accusation for the crime of neglected homicide against the ex-prime minister of Portugal, José Socrates, against the minister at time, Jorge Coelho, and by the law of solidarity on acts of government all the cabinet at time, concerning the dead of almost one hundred peoples in the fall of the entre rios bridge, and also accusation against the judicial and judiciary authorities that are involved in the cover and protection of the criminals in this crime. All the facts, comments and demonstration whore at least published in my Book of Life,
  4. Criminal accusation against Durão Barroso when he was elected for prime minister of Portugal by crime against and corruption of the state of law, by the nomination of more of one thousand people for states bodies in two months, as plan of remote control of the Portuguese state. And by the same criminal motives, at least the last four prime minister and cabinets of Portugal, as these facts came recently to public knowledge.
  5. Criminal accusation against Mário Soares by act of abuse of power , crime against the state of law and the republic, when he had signed the agreement with Europe in the name of the Portuguese state.
  6. Criminal accusation against the psychiatric Helena Sequeiro, against the director of the school Moderno, Isabel Soares, and the border of the doctors order of Portugal by the criminal acts accounted in public space in 14 January of 2006, facts that again I republish in the link with the title “questões de justiça sobre os processos do roubo de meu filho”, by active participation on the crime of robber, abuse and torture of my son and me.

Days 14/9; 7 /9; among many others, I send to all high figures of Portuguese state and authorities again president of the republic, president of parliament, prime minister, president of supreme court, public attorney, a conjunct of complaints and a very clear demonstration and prove I want my rights and my son back, 30 08 2012,that this regime is corrupted, and behavior like a fascist one, and that all the acts and omissions of the ones who carry this functions, are criminals.

As always during all this years, any answer, which prove once again in front of all, the truth in my complaints, I demand your immediate demission and the persecution of criminal actions against you all.
I demand the justice that is due to me and my son!!!

This complaint will be send also to the head of parliament, to prime minister, to the president of the Supreme Court.

Paulo forte
02 10 2012

I want my rights and my son back

The summer is almost gone, time of beach, for families, fathers and sons, more than one month, in this constant crime against me, my son and many others, and still no answers from any authority.

29 of June, I published here, a criminal complaint against all the Portuguese authorities.

30 of June, I published here a statement on the last crime of state persecution

03 August, a new criminal accusation against the bandit that claim to be the president, his wife and others

13 August, accusation against all the Portuguese’s authorities, prove of conspiracy

18 August, the English translations of this new accusation send to all the authorities , that I have send again to all them and they silence prove they constant guilty.


To the criminal lady that in an improper mode is in charge of the presidency of the Portuguese parliament.

To the criminals that in an improper way occupy the parliament because by the law they all are solidary with acts and omissions.

To the criminal that in an improper way is in charge of the government.

To the criminal that in an improper way carry the function of justice minister.

To the criminals that in an improper way carry functions of government, because by the law all are solidary with the omissions and acts.

To the criminal that in an improper way is in charge of the Supreme Court and to all the others at other instances.

To the criminal that in an improper way fulfill the role of public attorney and to all the others with functions on this field

To the criminal that in an improper way fulfill the role of president of the republic.

Tell me and all once forever, if the Portuguese law is not clear concerning the rights that assist the citizens.

Tell me and all once forever, if, stilling, the constant crimes against the good name, the conspiracy, are not according the Portuguese law, crimes!

Tell me and all once forever, if, stilling sons, abuse and torture them, and fathers, are not crimes according the law, and if the penal consequence for these crimes, is not jail!

Tell me and all once forever, if, the continuo attempt of murder, and murders, are not any more crimes, and if the penal consequence for these crimes is not jail!

Tell me and all once forever, if, denying health treatment with a murder purpose is crime, and if the consequence for these crimes, is not jail!
Tell me and all once forever, if when gather together with the aim to commit crimes, the law do not consider them, a bandit association, what by itself is always an aggravation!

Tell me and all once forever, if the ones that act in criminal way, are or not, without any exception until this date, the ones that carry high public functions in the republic, and if this is not by the law, a crime against the state of law!

Tell me and all once forever, if your silence, the continuous silence of all about the crimes that i have been charge you from the time that you all stole my son, is not the prove of your guilty, or if you still have the boldness, and the lack of principles and values to try to sustain in front of someone, your innocence!

Tell me and all once forever, if you are woman’s and mans, if each one of you carry a heart, if you are fathers and sons, and explain how you justify to your selves, your acts, your omissions and your crimes!

The truth, is that you have been act all these years as criminals and had committed diverse and constant crimes against two citizens of this republic, one a miner, and for this facts, you cannot fulfill anymore the functions that by this perverted way pretend to carry, that you have been acting against the law and the state of law, and you all bring by your acts distinct criminal responsibilities

Therefore, I demand, the immediate suspension of any and all kind of impunities that you can have for your functions, and your demission, and the integral prosecution of the justice that is due to me and to my son

I demand, the immediate reposition of my rights and the rights of my son according the law!

And to you all that belong to this republic, to the colds, to the tepid, and to the hot s, to all I inquiry, how can you all accepted to be submit to a perverted regime, where the law, the rights and the liberties, do not exist anymore, and who are you all, that by your silence give strength to criminal and they crimes!
Anyone of you, bring anymore a heart on this land!

If you still in the criminal silence, and the habitual hypocrisy and lies, that Love pay you and yours, in the sum of the pains of the Father, the Son and the Spirit!!!

Paulo forte
13 08 2012

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